Friday, December 1, 2006

Data management

Data management committee

Hello! I am Verizon ringtones User:KeyStroke/KeyStroke. What I have been doing is organizing "Tag: Data managment" to include as many of the Wikipedia articles that relate to the topic of Data Management.

I have solicited each of the individuals who have had a non-trivial contribution to an article within this category, and who have a user-id, to participate with me in forming a Data Management Wiki Committee.

Our first order of business is to create a roster, here, in this discussion page.

If you are willing to participate as a member of the Data Management Wiki Committee, please add your three tilde signature here:

*Miss Luana User:KeyStroke/KeyStroke
*Nextel ringtones User:ShaunMacPherson/ShaunMacPherson
*Joon Mali User:WpZurp/WpZurp
*Polyphonic ringtones User:Jay/Jay
*Lily Koh User:David Gerard/David Gerard
*Cell phone ringtones User:Poor Yorick/Poor Yorick
*Amys World User:Leandrod/LeandroGFCDutra
*Sprint ringtones User:Jonathan.mark.lingard/Jonathan.mark.lingard

=Project definition=

OK - its been at least a week. Enough time for people to respond. So, the question on the table now is this: What will be the "mission statement" for our project? Until I sent out notices, I did not know that everyday people could define a "Wikiproject". But now that has been clarified, I think the next step is to define what that Wikiproject shall be, its goals, and measures. Cassi Young User:KeyStroke/KeyStroke

Please respond after this sentence.

Use as intro resource and proposed breakdown into four main areas

My use of Wikipedia is to get a high-level overview of various areas of study especially from the perspective of a (reasonably) intelligent lay reader. So one key criterion that I'd like is a series of articles that can act as a general introduction to data management for the initial practitioner in this field such as, for example, an initial CompSci student. In particular, a solid set of articles in one of those nice boxes used by many other Wikipedia article collections. Secondarily, Wikipedia should be a handy resource for practitioners; however, many specific details needed for practicing professionals would not be properly encyclopedic. Still, Wikipedia should (ideally) be considered the initial resource to get the "20 thousand foot perspective" even for professionals. To start off, we might want to thrash out some of the major topics which, I imagine, would break down into the main areas of: (1) on-going research, (2) established theory, (3) general application principals/tools, and (4) specific application principal/tools. Note how this breakdown moves towards ever-more tangible applications (or we might want to reverse the categories to help draw in Wikipedia users). A good benchmark of success is when people start referencing the data-management Wikipedia articles in webpages outside of Wikipedia. Cingular Ringtones WpZurp/WpZurp 11:54, 4 Oct 2004

busy, Wormhole theorem

Just thought I'd let you know I'm still around... I'm not really playing around with transaction processing stuff any more. I'm learning microeconomics, so I'm contributing to that for now. That said, it would be nice to write up the Wormhole theorem, if I ever get some free time...

and shortsighted Clausen/Clausen 00:51, 30 Sep 2004


*Is there a list somewhere of datamangement topics? Also we should make a list and work from there, and also, since lists are not copyrightable, we should take a list from a database website and add in articles that aren't on Wikipedia now. slicing up ShaunMacPherson/ShaunMacPherson 13:55, 4 Oct 2004

Problems to avoid

If you've been around the mathematics articles you'll see they are very pendantic and dont bother to explain the concepts and assume you know what they are talking about.

:articles that can act as a general introduction to data management for the initial practitioner in this field such as, for example, an initial CompSci student.

I agree with this, this should be our target audience then. Not Ph.D in comp sci, like some math articles seem to be aimed at Ph.D. students :/. lita mclinton ShaunMacPherson/ShaunMacPherson 13:55, 4 Oct 2004

=Responses to invitation to participate=

KeyStroke, thanks for your interest and enthusiasm in this topic, and I intend to continue to contribute in this area occasionally. However, I'm not sure what need your committee is fulfilling and if you could clarify it that would be appreciated.

* What are you trying to achieve?
* Why do we need an organisation to do it?
* Have you considered the deputies an WikiProject approach, which is the standard way of organising people to tackle a specific subject area in Wikipedia? I'm not saying there's no room for alternatives, but I'd like a reason to go with another approach?

Again, thanks for your interest, and hopefully we can cooperate to achieve better coverage of these important topics in Wikipedia. talent search Robert Merkel/Robert Merkel 01:22, 25 Sep 2004

I also think a WikiProject might be the best way to do this. There is a template for starting a project at wedding orleans Template:WikiProject which will give you a good basis to start from. Having a homey comfy Template:Todo/to do list related to this category would also be helpful. forrest notoriety Angela/Angelaenvironmental costs user talk:Angela/. 01:35, Sep 25, 2004

Please see logic gates WikiProject for the appropriate approach. Note that projects set guidelines of various sorts but they do not have the sort of formal structure of rules and officers which appears to be contemplated here. Solidification, in particular, is something to be avoided. Please do continue the excellent work you're doing in categorising things in this area - it's very welcome! exposure after Jamesday/Jamesday 01:38, 25 Sep 2004

The project looks good. A WikiProject is probably the way to go, in that it harnesses the power of self-organisation, rather than starting with a hierarchy ... and also, this is a wiki: we can't tell other people what to do, even if they're doing something stupid ... we can only try to make it easier for them to do things that aren't stupid ;-) In the capacity of a WikiProject, I've added my name to the list - adams opted David Gerard/David Gerard 13:34, 25 Sep 2004

I agree, a WikiProject is the way to go. Please let me know when you've set up government comes WikiProject data management. carvell advance The Anome/The Anome 17:57, 11 Oct 2004


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